I want the attack on Ukraine to stop. Not a world war! I want the world to be a peaceful place for us and our children. So what can I do?
This morning I decided to ask my friends to join me in a circle of peace. If we can let that expand into the world maybe that would be the right thing to do when we feel hopeless. Together we are stronger than separately. And the feeling of power maybe get stronger the more people we get together. I am a physical person and like the feeling of connection in real life. We have struggle with a pandemic for a few years and unfortunately a bit used to separation. So now I ask you to ask for someones hand to hold on to. Get the physical experience of contact and that you feel the strength in doing something concrete like holding hands. I know a lot of people nearby and around the world who do amazing things for other people day to day. I want to reach out to all of them as well and hold their hand and connect with their love and generosity. Together we can multiply the good energy of love, peace and compassion.
Would you please join me and let this chain of peace and love be the opposition to arms and nuclear weapons? Help me build a physical circle around the globe.
Maybe you think this is naive? But I think what if something this relatively simple can be the solution.
Let us spread what we all have access to in our hearts, compassion, love and peace and let it grow.
Thank you ❤️